Morning Gleam snuck into Canterlot Castle and stole the Alicorn Amulet. Twilight and Luna noticed right away and alerted Astral about what has happened. Astral went off and looked for her friends and told them the situation. They agreed to help and stop Morning Gleam from doing anything to extreme. When they went to look for Morning Gleam, damaged had already been done. Birds had wings two sizes too big, foals were now old and the old were now foals, the streets were plated in gold, and Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer had their magic sealed by their own daughter.
Characters shown- First panel- Morning Gleam (Princess Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer). Second Panel- Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Luna. Third Panel Left to Right- Toffee Nut, Astral Starling Sentry, Cloudburst, Cresenda, Magnolia, and Ginger Gold.
base by ravenwolf-bases, scarletwitchinfire, lupaluna-bases