Advertising model.
Not everyone has the courage to participate in the advertising of such a product, and even more, many do not have the right body complexions.
Book was lucky with his forms, but at first he was told that he would advertise a new line of fast-selling cocktails under the slogan "just add milk", but when he saw this costume and his fee was doubled, he decided that he would do it once in his life.
Before this take was taken, it took 5 hours for him to cope with his excitement, awkwardness and shyness and even greater insecurity. Yes, he can wear similar outfits, but only when he is alone with his wife or at home. He is more afraid of what his parents will think of him when they see who he has become.
Book Jangels by Me ibragim (ad.revenge)
Art by FoRsEnG295
I forgot upload this work. As you can see, the Book lacks meat on his gorgeous ass and thighs... like the tail.