Both Starfire and Flurry have enjoyed spending Nightmare night together ever since they were foals. Sometimes they craft their own costumes and see how many ponies got the reference.
On this night, some foals got it and one even recited a line from the story. This prompted Starfire to activate his prop sword, although similar in appearance to his actual weapon, wasn't at all dangerous and proceeded to gently bonk the foal on his head with it.
It got a good number of laughs from everypony involved, even from Flurry watching from sightly behind him. Starfire gave the well read foals some candy and they galloped towards one of the attractions.
Not everypony was amused. Twilight asked if foal murder was a joke. Flurry defended Starfire’s actions by saying that of course it wasn’t, but it was after all a good story and the foals didn't mind whatsoever.
"Didn't your character get strangled by the character Starfire’s dressed up as, Flurry?" Twilight asked quizzingly, and considering the parallels to Starfire life that his particular character shared, she was deeply concerned.
"Twilight, if you read all of the novels, you would know that my character's whole life was a tragedy that he didn’t chose but was forced into. Besides, I'm not blind to the number of coincidences I do share with the pony I'm dressing up as. I'm fortunate not to be in such a emotionally repressive situation and have a mentor whom is more than up to the task of teaching me and guiding me through life." Starfire argued in a brief character assessment and noted both the similarities and more importantly the differences between himself and the character he was dressed up as.
Flurry told her aunt to not take things so seriously all the time and just to enjoy the night. Twilight could see that she was slowly spoiling Nightmare night for her niece and her coltfriend and decided to drop this and left them alone.