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My Little Sister is a Dragon poster
I cooked this up as a fanfic cover for the FIMfic version, but it will also double as a poster to send to my Patreon supporters as the picture of the month.
This is my first time revealing Bray without his cloak. He has the same orange cowl he had in G1, but this Bray will be far more evil and he has his own magic powers to wield! He might not have quite as much presence in this story just yet, but he will later on!
And yes, the cultists over to the right are all bat ponies. It was revealed in chapter 5 but I left a few little hints here and there like the fact that Nightwatch notices some of them have fangs showing and Noctura had long ears when her hood fell off by accident.
As for Luna, well we already know what happens with Nightmare Moon in the beginning of the show so Luna with her light blue hair will show up eventually.
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