The largest Mane 6 family, these babies took me a minute to make!
Pinkie has a lot of love to give, so it's no wonder she has 5 children with 3 different ponies (or hippogriffs!)
Characters shown, in order, are: Princess Skystar, Jelly Jamboree Sandwhich (Jam), Peanut Butter Sandwhich (PB), Pinkie Pie, Strawberry Cheesecake (Lil Cheese), Seashell Sprinkles (Sprinkles), Party Popper (Popper), and Cheese Sandwhich.
Pinkies oldest kid is Party Popper, the unicorn of the family and a product of a one night stand after a party. Her father is Pokey Pierce. She's the most level headed of the family and usually has to stop their joined enthusiasm from causing a catastrophe when they get a little too excited, she's not much of a baker, but she still likes to hang out in the kitchen and give tips on how to decorate their sweets. Her true talent lies in the artistic side of party planning, she loves painting up banners, getting just the right colour combination of balloons and confetti, and making sure the guest of honor truly feels like their party is theirs.
Next up is the twins, PB and J Sandwhich, Cheese is of course their father. These two take a lot after their parents, they are a party pony duo that do their best work together, unfortunately these two aren't so great at baking either, getting distracted far too easily, leading to messed up ingredients or burnt cupcakes, but when they try really hard they can pull out a treat worthy of the fancy shows some of their neighours attend with their own baked goods. These two work best when entertaining ponies, wether thats a filly at their cutecinera, an older pony requiring company, or a sick pony in need of some cheering up. These two excell at putting a smile on anyponies face, at what ever pace they need.
Then you have Strawberry Cheesecake, or Lil Cheese as they are often reffered to as, is another daughter of Pinkie and Cheese, and finally a pony who can bake! Pinkie was almost losing hope there, but Lil Cheese is a fantastic baker even as a filly, with a bright future as a competitive baker, when she is old enough to enter anyway. She's a huge daddys girl and hates when he goes away for any reason.
Lasty is the newest addition to their not-so-small family, Seashell Sprinkles, the child of Pinkie and Skystar. Cheese and Pinkie have a somewhat open relationship, so when Pinkie went to visit her dear friend one time it ended up with Skystar coming to Ponyville months later with a tiny pink hatchling, her and Pinkies son. Sprinkles lives with Skystar at Mount Eris, but Skystar makes an active effort to visit Pinkie often, Sprinkles loves seeing the other side of his family, having older siblings to take care of him, and Lil Cheese to play with when he visits.
And that's it, for now. Pinkie has the youngest kids overall out of the Mane 6, most having teens at the youngest, and when she asked if she's gonna stop any time soon she simply replies that what ever happens happens, and more love and smiles is definitely merrier!