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2ND CHANCE - Mane 6 Dragons; QSB - FINALE!!
Ah, yes. THAT Finale. You know?
The one with the homie Spike coming home after a nice and lovely buffet outing with Smolder and Ember (hence his cute, round tummy). What he discovers beyond entering the castle is a familiar sight. What happens next? I challenge YOU to decide in the comments below!
(I must say, I'd be sweating like HECK if I was in the homie's footsteps right here! All dat dragon boot... ok I'll stop.)
I want to thank each and every one of you who have participated in this journey. It sure was a wild roller coaster ride. A lot of ups and downs with this new format I was going for. Should I do this from now on, or revert to my old formula? Let me know, fellas.
With this, I say it's safe to say: I hereby declare the Mane 6 Dragons (the Quest for the Scale'y Belly) Drive... CLOSED!!! 🔴🔴🔴
STAY TUNED for more fun and announcements.
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