Here is my 869th artwork of my fifty second meme of Molly Gil Goby Deema Oona Nonny Zooli and Bubble Puppy from Bubble Guppies mad at Principal Cinch from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Friendship Games treating Sci Twi so badly along with Principal Cinch's Crystal Prep students forcing her to unleash the magic and transforming into Midnight Sparkle which made the Bubble Guppies and Bubble Puppy so angry at Principal Cinch.
Here are the Quotes.
Principal Cinch: Hello Children and little puppy what are you doing at the Friendship Games?
Molly: We're here to stop you and your Crystal Prep Students!
Gil: For making Twilight unleashing magic!
Nonny: And turning her into a monster.
Deema: Which is so wrong!
Oona: You and your students are so mean to her!
Goby: And Not Nice!
Zooli: And so Awful forcing Twilight to turn into a terrible monster!
Bubble Puppy (barks)
Principal Cinch: Now Children me and my students just want her to unleash the magic so Crystal Prep can win.
Molly: We are not gonna let you and your students let Twilight Unleash the Magic We're Telling Principal Celestia!
Bubble Guppies: Yeah!
Bubble Puppy (barks)
Meme Blank by Kayalovesu
Bubble Guppies created by Nickelodeon
My Little Pony Equestria Girls Friendship Games created by Hasbro