Ever since he was old enough, Starfire had been honing his swordsmanship whenever he could allow time away from his studies or personal engagements. All the princesses would teach him to some extent, however Luna was his main teacher. This reflected in his aggressive styles he'd adopted. Heavy and fast strikes were a core part of his fighting style and in combination with his magical skills, it was an effective method to fight.
Flurry meanwhile had been at this for a few years longer, and had adopted her parents defensive style which incorporates continuous blocking, deflection and generally wearing her opponents down and wait for an opening to present itself. For some time, they had been sparing partners and where always improving their skills, tactics and put into practice what they had learned.
Their choice to train with lethal weapons did concern a fair few, especially in regards with Flurry. But it did keep them both on the tips of their hooves and emphasised their defensive tactics, traits that would serve them well on numerous occasions.