Vrees Die Gouldveld (Fear The Goldfields) is a small story from Warm Winds' teenage years where her and her father immigrated to the Equestrian Federation.
Before the bubbly Las Pegasus airplane mechanic we know today, there was farm filly in South Zebrica that was determined to carry the family legacy of growing the best wheat and hops in the Appel Free State. Her father, Amberkorrel (Amber Grain) brought Winds into the world hoping that the end of the Zebrikaaner led Apartheid in the 90's would bring peace to a land stained in blood. However, history is not so forgiving. After losing his wife and an increasing of violent attacks on their neighbors, Amber chose to surrender the family farm that had been a part of the family since the Celestial era to move to a place where his daughter would be safe from the bloodshed of the Goldfields.
Based on true events in 2014 South Africa.