Younger than Starkrimson, older than Orpheus, here are the two last TwiMac kiddos!
Name: Poppysweet Meadow (Poppy)
Age: 18
Species: Earth pony, female
Cutiemark: A shield with a poppy in the centre and a Twilight Star on it
Talent: combat, particularly defenseThe second girl in the family, and the biggest baby thus far, that’s what Poppy is known for. Her attitude is no-nonsense, and she doesn’t often smile or laugh, if at all. She does like to joke a bit, however it’s hard to tell if she’s joking about something or being completely serious. Regardless, she has a heart of gold and is always silently looking out for anyone in need of her help, especially her siblings, and especially her younger twin, Bumble.
Extra facts:
- Poppy enjoys gardening and does it as a side hobby. It’s rumored that the poppy in the shield of her cutiemark is a second talent, but whether or not that’s true remains a mystery
- She may seem extremely strict and no-nonsense, but she has a big soft side for foals, animals, and ponies in need.
- She got her cutiemark protecting her friend from being bullied at school
- Tbh if she was in charge of her haircut, she’d have no hair at all... she doesn’t like dealing with it and would rather cut it all off. considering she’s so fluffy without proper soldier grooming standards, she’d probably look fine anyway
- both her and her brother Bumble inherited their father’s long, thick coat, which means they need a regular trim before they get too scruffy all over, especially in the wintertimeName: Bumblebee Comet
Age: 18
Species: Unicorn, male
Cutiemark: a bundle of flowers with a bee on it
Talent: beekeepingBumblebee Comet, or more affectionately called just plain “Bumble”, is the sweet, clumsy, and very shy son of Twilight and Big MacIntosh. He was the surprise addition to the family- his parents weren’t expecting her to have twins, and neither did the doctors. Bumble wasn’t detected in the ultrasounds! He was quite the surprise, born healthy but quite small. He spends his time gardening and going to different places to sell his dear bees’ honey! He gets along well with his twin sister, who is his self-proclaimed protector.
Extra facts:
- He has a sensitive spot behind his ears; if someone scratches it, he’ll become a goopy mess and be totally floppy like a dog wanting more pets
- received his cutiemark after helping relocate several wild beehives that were in the Apple family trees
- He likes to name all his bees but sometimes he loses track and feels really bad
- Bumble has always been a bit of a coward
- The flower in his hair changes every day so the bees can land on it!
- both he and his sister Poppy inherited their father’s long, thick coat, which means they need a regular trim before they get too scruffy all over, especially in the wintertimeFamily: Twilight Sparkle (mother), Big MacIntosh (father), Dusk Constellation (brother), Twilight Gaze (sister), Starkrimson Nebula Apple-Pear (brother), Orpheus (brother), Caramel Kingston Fair Apple (sister) Northern Atlas Empire (brother). Shining Armor (uncle), Cadence (aunt), Silver Snow (cousin), Applejack (aunt), Blueblood (uncle), Duchesse D’Angelone (cousin), Winesap Apple (cousin), Applebloom (aunt), Pipsqueak (uncle), Witch Hazel Pumpkin Cinnamon Apple (cousin), Foxwhelp (cousin)
Both designed by Strawberry-Spritz!!