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Here, have some more Solar Flare antics XP. (I got a bit lazy. So no shading or clipping today my friends TwT ).
☆First drawing:
I wasn't kidding when I said that Twilight's new militia was going to start off pretty rough and boot-leg XP. Even though it was Tempest's idea, it was still gonna take her a while to readjust in becoming a Commander again. If you're wondering, she used to be the Commander of the Storm King's army and trained them. But then after she retired, got reformed, became Twilight's assistant THEN her wife and a mom of two, Tempest decided to lay low for a while and became a housewife, watching over Estella and Bright Galaxy and doing house cleaning and cooking. But until they got older, and after fairly recent incidents, Tempest planned to finally make an official military for Twilight's Kingdom (or Friendship Kingdom). But before she could make it 100% official, she had to do a little pilot run or tryouts with willing brave candidates, but only two volunteers came on the first week of it. Those two volunteers being Solar Flare and Ignatius (with Spike as a backup support and co-leader; helping with attendance and keeping track of new recruits and contracts or whatever XP). Flare was willing to come because, of course he always wanted to be in someone's military, but not only that, to also be one of the first to join it. So this was his greatest opportunity. Now with Ignatius, he just joined because Solar did, how typical XP, but also because his dad was helping with the program. (Side note: the reason why the tryouts or whatever flunked was because Tempest is bad at advertising. Solar Flare and Ignatius knew of the program because of obvious reasons; Tempest is close with their parents, sooo…. And also, if other ponies heard of it, it was too uninformed or too good to be true for it to actually be a real thing happening… I find it funny that they even went all out with merch for the program, [with the help of Rarity] and an official name, "The Friendship Militia" and still nothing muchXP).
Anyways, regarding the training… oh boy, didn't Tempest have them doing absolutely everything on the first day. She gave them PT, plus, for about 3 hours! Solar was into it as he already worked out for about that long daily. However, Iggy… poor Iggy. He wanted to quit so bad on the first day. I mean, he works out too, but not intensely like this. And then for him to have to do this every day if he wants to officially join…oof. But Iggy is an optimistic guy, so he steadily continued with it, only if Solar was there. Going back to Solar, frankly after a week of doing this, it did get a bit boring, seeming like it wasn't going anywhere. But as a stallion with loyalty and hope embedded into his heart, he stayed anyway. If anything he felt pity for it. But maybe a few weeks or so later, Spike up the ante with the adverts and merchandise, including, Rarity, Gabby, the CMC and others. The word spread like wildfire, and before you know it, Tempest was now in charge of a hundred plus recruits! The program was still a bit rocky, but they managed. (Soon, I'll have some concepts of The Friendship Militia's armory, so stay toned X)))). If this were a show, I could see this whole situation being a one episode mid season finale XP, because creating a military for Twilight's Kingdom is pretty big, but not as big to have its own two parter season premiere or finale.☆Bottom two drawings:
This is nothing much compared to the info dump above XP. This is just like a little clip of Solar meeting Athena in the flesh (cause it's rare when he does) and showing himself off to her, asking if her military is fit for him, but in a wide-eyed overly excited way. But then, as usual, her response is a sweetly eloquent and domineering diss; And Solar would both be hurt yet flattered at the same time. He can't help it, every time he thinks of her or sees her he gets all "fangirly", with a permanent blush, a goofy smile and sparkly googly eyes. His voice gets high pitched too and hyper, as if he's having a sugar rush of love (which he is XP). The stallion doesn't know what to do with himself. For him to normally be such a cool and composed guy, to just sit here and simp over a 8ft tall princess he MOST DEFINITELY doesn't have a chance with XD. And I will admit, the ironic thing about Athena is that she would act the same way that Solar acts about her crush (her crush is Princess Odonata/Dragonfly btw, who is Ember and Thorax's daughter ;))))). That's all I have to say about them. If this were a show, this would be a running gag or something XP. Flare losing his composer about Athena, and Athena just roasting him.
(Btw, Athena's design may change A LOT until I get to her reference sheet. So, for now ignore her designs until then TwT).~~~~
I hope you liked it!^ Man, I wish I could constantly make full stories and dialogue instead of the ideal episode synopsis >~<. I may try in the future, but it's gonna take A LOT of trial and error and encouragement. I'm not the greatest writer, so y'all are just gonna have to bear with me if I do attempt story making XP. Anyways, I LOVE Y'ALL! 💖💖 THANK Y'ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND YOUR TIME!!! And as always, GOODBYE FOR NOW! ÓwÒ