Sunny Harvest
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh
Siblings: Thunder Clap and Zap Apple
Species: Female/Earth Pony
Sexuality: questioning
Build: Short/very strong
Special Talent: Harvest apples?
Occupation: works on the farm
Nickname: Sunny
Some facts about Sunny are that she rarely speaks. Just like her father, she doesn't talk at all. Even though she is named Sunny she does not look like it. Ponies are too afraid to talk to her cause she looks so intimidating. But, she just doesn't know how to communicate. And even though she's small she is really strong.
Thunder Clap
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh
Siblings: Sunny Harvest and Zap Apple
Species: Male/Pegasus
Sexuality: Pansexual
Build: Tall/Strong
Special Talent: Flying
Occupation: works at the weather factory
Nickname: Thunder
Thunder is very loud and loves bragging just like his mother. He takes up after his mom as being the best flyer in Ponyville. He has a lot of fans. He also has a fat crush on Evening Glow. But, he doesn't want to admit that.
Zap Apple
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh
Siblings: Sunny Harvest and Thunder Clap
Species: Female/Pegasus
Sexuality: heterosexual
Build: Short
Special Talent: none atm
Occupation: none atm
Nickname: Zap, Zappy