Ochre (“Oak”) is the huge son of Fluttershy and Troubleshoes, and a huge softie at that. Regardless of his intimidatingly large size, Oak is a soft-spoken, gentle stallion, with a passion for taking care of the smallest cactus to the largest oak. He is a proud supporter of conservative work and loves to garden, especially when it comes to breeding plants together to create interesting combinations. With his mother opening an animal sanctuary and a vet’s office in her cottage, he spends most of his time being paid to keep enclosures maintained and occasionally helping out with other things.
Dusk Constellation (“Dusk”) is the son of Twilight Sparkle and Big MacIntosh. He is huge in stature, and could probably pick a regular pony up with little issue, but his passion lies in using his smarts for detective work. Dusk regularly spends his time taking on hard-to-crack cases, currently the biggest one in Equestria—the assassination of Luna and Discord’s young daughter, Eventide. He is very observant, but a bit socially awkward and blunt. Despite this, he has a very close relationship with both his parents and the rest of his siblings.
Winesap (“Saps”) is the son of Applejack and Prince Blueblood, an unlikely duo. Despite the fact that her parents were complete opposites, they managed to raise a good balance of gentleman and hard farm worker. Winesap is a strong stallion with a sense of diligence and a stronger sense of taste—he is a connoisseur of fine wines and ciders, and makes his own, right on Sweet Apple Acres. He even does the delivery himself most of the time! Although his sense of humour is somewhat crude, he truly does like making others laugh.
Rainbow Mirage Goldenstar (“Mesa”) is the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Sheriff Silverstar. Mesa is chipper and full of energy, with a good sense of compassion for others. Despite the incident with wildlife that cost her the sight in her right eye, she loves spending time with all animals and showing ponies how to handle and protect them. Don’t worry though, she still has a hunger for speed, just like her mother, while maintaining the importance of relaxation like her father. She has her sights on becoming sheriff one day just like her Pa.
Blueberry Snickerdoodle Whiskin’ Whipped Cream Amelia Aviator Pie-High (“Snicker”), aka the pony with the current longest given name, is the daughter of Pinkie Pie and Soarin’ High. Completely the opposite of her parents and more like her Pie aunts, she is laid back and a lot of relaxing to be around compared to her sugary sweet family. This doesn’t make her unpleasant though, and rather a more comforting presence, even with her mysterious Mona Lisa smile. Her talent resides in making cocktails and overall bartending. Considering how some ponies can get after a bit too much, her Pie family muscle comes in handy. She currently works at The Violet Dove.
Vintage Velour (“Vivi” or “Vi”) is the daughter of Rarity Belle and Sunburst, and has a strong sense of leadership. She is outgoing and very flirty, but is focused and driven. Currently, she is the owner and manager of a two-in-one business, an antique jewelry store and secret speakeasy, The Violet Dove. While she can get caught up easily in her work like her parents tended to, she is very sociable and charming, and relaxes more when she has someone to talk to.