Cozy Glick story 3#
"Remember, Little Sparkle. Friendship is magic"
That was the words from her mother, Twilight taught her.
But Glick's curiosity made her finding the true purpose of Friendship. Her mother's word motivate her, she often ask herself:
"Is Friendship is really magic?"
Still, the filly cannot stop thinking about it. Glick begin studying about friendship, playing with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and learn about their friendship. She later found out that ponies has magic inside them and wonder one could control itself.
Although Glick is not an unicorn, but she learned that some pegasus can control magic of their own, as told by Ivan, her mentor. She tried pratice for days, weeks and even months to cast a spell on her front hooves, but failed. But the filly not given up so easily, the pursuit of finding Friendship already inside her vein. She thought hard about her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusarders.
Seconds later, a faint red aura appear on her both hooves.
"Friendship is... really magic..."