These two contend for Equestria's most adorable couple, both absolutely head over hooves for one other, the pairing of Mythic Majestic and Heartstong Flare is incredibly hard to beat. Heartstrong, being rivalled in strength and size by only King Speedy Hooves, is one heck of a hunk, I think any mare would give their right hoof to be in Mythic's position, though good looks are not all this lad brings to the table, he also one of the sweetest stallions you'd likely ever meet, a hopeless romantic and a true gentlecolt. He does have a tendency to nerd out sometimes, especially when it's lads board game night, or a magical debate or discussion comes up, but Mythic can't resist when he goes on one of his tangents to her, though he is usually silenced with a gentle kiss, which sends the big lug crazy.
Mythic could seem quite formidable if you didn't know her, a master of magic and skilled shaman, this girl can handle herself in most situations, while most stallions would feel emasculated at this prospect, Heartstong couldn't be more proud, in fact there have been many times where she has gotten him out of a sticky situation or three... She is also a fierce seamstress, which sure as heck comes in handy when your clothing rips as much as his does. Mythic isn't scared to flaunt her stuff to get what she needs either, or to hurry along that potion order... although she can be a tease, everypony knows that she only has eyes for her beloved. With flanks as majestic as her namesake and beautiful zebra markings that make anypony with a pulse turn their head, these two are a match made in heaven and the compliment and support each others strengths and weaknesses perfectly. Sorry khaki-cap, there's no splitting these two up your just gonna have to keep pining for the princess. - RainbowTashie
Yet another awesome piece done by RainbowTashie
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