Haven't had a chance to do these in a while and I had fun, you know I love my crystal ponies!
Since I got to choose the character Quantum Leap was paired with, I chose this adorable little pegasus named Cotton Sky, mainly because I loved her big poofy mane and her colors were pretty complimentary to Quantum's.
Name suggestions: Quasar Leap, Quasar Sky, (pretty much anything with quasar because that's what the cutie mark is lol)
Character suggestion: He's a very serious scientist and focuses on his work first and foremost! Really interested in how the galaxy was formed, curious on if other worlds exist with intelligent life and magic. Though he can fly, feels like he'll never truly touch the sky... at least not the sky he cares about. Currently working on a project to send a pony into space using unicorn and pegasus magic combined.
This character belongs to vaporwaveboyfriend
No one may use this design without permission from the owner.
Let me know what you think! Heart