Originally posted on: June 23, 2021, 12:44 PM UTC
Chaotic Hippies with daddy issues
Whoop, here is the flutter next gen fam: Mantra is Zephyr and Tree Huggers one-night stand kiddo, and Gladiolus is Fluttershy and Discords, anyways heres stuff abt them
Bonsai Mantra "Mantra" or "Bonnie (Dont call him that)" - A cynical, wisecracking asshole who hates his family when he's sober, typically gets through the day doing hallucinogenic drugs of some kind, but at least he acts cool and fine when he's on something. He hates his deadbeat dad and avoids him at all costs, and he finds his mother irritating to be around. He's fake af lmao. (Yes his special talent is ''''potion making''''.)
Gladiolus - Soft-spoken and empathetic, the opposite of chaotic (to his fathers' dismay), although he's definitely strange... in differt ways. He shares his understanding of animals like his mother however... he's also able to talk to trees, plants and also spirits/ghosts too. Yeah, Fluttershy was thoroughly freaked when he told her he's able to see dead ponies so casually. So yeah, he ends up being the weird kid kooky amongst the crowd, he doesnt mind though.
Fun fact, discord wanted to name him Xdarkchaosskull666xX (or something edgy 12 yr old roblox users name themselves), obviously that wasn't going to go through Fluttershy. No one knows to secretly changed his birth cert with that name (lol).
More on Gladiolus here >toyhou.se/6034010.gladiolus
His cutiemark was heavily inspired by one i saw a while ago, I'll credit them if I can find them
I designed them both this time hue