Name: Dusk Valient Rhyme
Gender: Stallion
Talent/Cutie Mark: He can set his own pace or Rhythm so to speak and "control" all other Ponies of all Genders and Ages (including other species) into following along willingly and unknowingly.
Personality: He is slightly secretive, protective of his younger Brothers, somewhat rowdy and has a love for music. He also likes to mess with other ponies with elaborate jokes. He dislikes interacting with Fancy and Snobby ponies and using his talent for sales.
Bio: His Family is spread through out Equestria. His Parents live in Fillydelphia with his twin younger brothers, while he lives with his grandfather in Ponyville near the Everfree forest in a mid size cottage. He has an Uncle as well, that visit Often and even stays over who actually lives in canterlot and does business there but prefers the quieter more country life in Ponyville.