Meet Butter Pecan, the only child of Peanut Pastry and Pretzel! A complete lover of fashion like his mothers, it's not too uncommon to see him out and about wearing the latest Canterlot style. He adores Rarity's Boutique, and his mom's don't hesitate to send him for private tailoring sessions with Rarity whenever he's in town, who is more than happy to design his formal wear and everyday attire. And while he has a love for clothing, Butter Pecan's talent follows closely to his family's skill in the food industry. He is a skilled chef, working almost exclusively on luxury airship cruises! What he is especially interested in, and his main passion in cooking, is creating allergy-friendly dishes! Even thought it takes longer and requires a ton of prep work, Butter Pecan feels there is nothing better than making guests feel safe on his airship. Plus, he loves finding new substitutions for ingredients!
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