Heart = current romantic relationship
Broken heart = past romantic relationship
Halo = deceased
Gray pony with question mark = Unknown character
Gray pony without a question mark = Character to be designed or drawn
Dotted line = adopted
• Cinnamon Pear dies before the events of The Perfect Pear. She makes Grand Pear promise to find their daughter.
• Bartlett "Grand Pear" Pear is heartbroken to discover that his daughter has died. He makes amends with Granny Smith and spends as much time as he can with his grandchildren. He even manages to meet a few of his great grandchildren before passing away.
• Apple Core dies before the events of the show.
• Maria Ann "Granny Smith" Smith manages to live a very long and happy life. She meets all of her grandchildren before death.
• Golden "Goldie" Delicious is Granny Smith's cousin.
• Comice Pear dies in a farm accident. He's Pear Butter's older brother by five years.
• You already know Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh's story. They loved their children. Both died after being attacked by Timberwolves.
• Colorado Orange Apple, aka Aunt Orange, eloped with Bergamot Orange before Bright Mac married Pear Butter. She changed her name to Valencia Orange and refuses to acknowledge her small town roots. She still kept in contact with her brother but never revealed to the other socialites of who her family was.
• After the Mane 6 gained fame for their deeds, Aunt Orange was more open to admitting who her family was. Used her role as Applejack's aunt to gain some clout
• Bergamot Orange, aka Uncle Orange, is owner of an orange farming company. Pretty rich and more or less the stereotypical snobby rich dude.
• Fluttershy is a trans mare. She works as a veterinarian. Occasionally has the occasional vampire fruit bat-pony craving for apples but its better easily sustained due to her husband's job. Still lives in her cottage.
• Big Macintosh is still an apple farmer, though he lives in Fluttershy's cottage instead of on the farm. Was offered ownership of the Apple farm but politely declined. Occasionally dabbles in drag under the stage name Orchard Blossom.
• Coloratura has since ditched her pop star career. She is now a private voice teacher and even occasionally helps Sweetie Belle, who's a choir teacher.
• Applejack is a transmare. Owner of Sweet Apple Acres and the Apple family matriarch.
• Pipsqueak organizes and participates in historical re-enactments. He's shorter than Apple Bloom and loves his wife.
• Apple Bloom is a painter. Still in contact with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.
• Sunkist "Sunflower" Orange is a songwriter. She's dated a few ponies, though she's very dedicated to her music career.
• Babs Seed is a hairstylist and barber. Runs a salon with Snips.
• Twist helps Bon Bon run her candy store.
• Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh briefly dated in. Sugar Belle eventually met up with Braeburn somehow. She now owns a bakery in Appleloosa.
• Braeburn is the sheriff of Appleloosa.
• Sunshine, aka Sunburn (he/him), is a stunt pony and occasionally weatherpony. Basically the opposite of his quiet parents. Has a rivalry with Lightning Dust’s kid, Frostbite.
• Lariat Loop (she/her) is a rodeo star. She has the signature Apple family strength. Not as musically gifted as Rara though she will still gladly sing along to songs on the radio.
• Bluebonnet (she/her) is a milliner/hat maker. A bit girly like Mama Rara. Bit of a gossip and super sassy.
• Anne Bonne de Beugny, who goes by Anne Bonny (she/her), is a rough and tumble gal. Her undiscovered talent is swordfighting.
• Peanut Butter Pretzel Crunch (she/her) is very hyper and excitable. Her undiscovered talent is cheerleading
• Damson Plum Cupcake (he/him) is quiet and shy. His talent is baking desserts.