Full Name: Smithy Goldencrisp Apple-Dash
Birthday: October 21
Dam: Applejack
Sire: Rainbow Dash
Siblings: Caramel Crisp, Phoenix Flare, Cerulean Sugarcube, and Zapjack.
Other Relatives: Vanilla Pie, Viola Pie, Key Lime Pie, Cinnamon Cream, Puff Pastry, and Q
Talent: Inheriting Apple strength and family values. "Apples to the core"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Future Spouse: Crystal Solstice
Fun Facts:
He had no idea why he was the element of Love until he met Crystal Solstice.
He is the strongest of the entire apple family in the Crystalverse, even outranking Big Mac. He once saved ponyville by stopping a domino effect of falling houses.
He is named after Granny Smith, who passed away just two days before he was born.
He is actually allergic to Granny Smith apples.
His hat has been passed down through generations of Apples; starting at Bright Mac's father, then to Bright Mac, then Applejack, then Smithy.
He later passed the hat down to Lovestruck