Got a little carried away with day 3 of the ponytober challenge, which was chest fluff lmao.
I've always really liked the headcanon that pegasus ponies are really fluffy and feathery when they're young, so I thought I'd draw all my pegasus next gens as poofy foals! Flurry's the oldest of the bunch so she has a bit less fluff then the others, though she and Cupid are the only ones that end up keeping some of their fluff as they get older.
From left to right: Frost Shimmer, Flurry Heart, Cupid (Cadence and Shining Armor's kids), Dragonfly, Rain Shower (Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's kids), Eventide (Luna and Rockhoof's daughter), and Skyline (Applejack and Soarin's daughter)