So I had this idea (which I actually think is a challenge or something but I haven’t looked into it) to take some of what I think are some of the most common ships out there and make a next gen with them. These aren’t definitively the most common ships or anything but they’re ones I see a lot that I was inspired for.
This is sort of a redo of my first next gen in that some of the characters are similar in personality to characters from that. So if you have been here a while maybe you can spot them.
P.S. I don’t particularly ship all of these couples either CoughCoughBigMackXFluttershyCoughCough
Most info will be posted on separate bios, but for now here’s a little about the kiddos and their parents
(From left to right)
Twilight Sparkle X Flash Sentry
I don’t love this ship but it’s not bad either so for this universe both twilight and flash are a good couple who work well together and build off each other. Being a royal guard, sometimes flash has to go on long trips, where he sometimes meets other mares. Not so good. But nothing ever goes anywhere and he always comes home to his beautiful wife of who he loves dearly
the kids:
Orion Sky- stallion, straight
Andromeda- Mare, Bi
Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich
The OG party duo. These two began travelling together throwing parties across Equestria until they had to come back to ponyville to raise new little foal, or foals I should say.
the kids:
Maple Glaze- Stallion, Straight Ace(triplets)
Raspberry Ripple- Mare, Pan(triplets)
Baked Peach- Mare- Lesbian(triplets)
Rarity X Fancy Pants
Just a cute little couple with basically no drama compared to the rest of my couples in this verse. The two live in Canterlotte and they have a crap tone of money so ya, everybody is pretty happy.
The kids:
Black Diamond(Born Blue Diamond) - Trans Mare, Straight- Not real coat Colour
Carnation- Mare, straight
Fluttershy X Big Mac
Were a cute happy couple just beginning to start a family when tragically Big Mac was fatally injured in a train accident. Lucky for Flutters she had Rainbow there to comfort her and her newborn twins in her time of grieving.
the kids:
Foxglove- stallion, straight(twins)
Nuthatch- stallion, straight(twins)
Fluttershy X Rainbow Dash
as previously mentioned after the death of Big Mac no one was a greater comfort to flutters than Rainbow Dash and after Rainbow herself had just been through a bad breakup it was a surprise when the two ended up falling in love. Now despite a little drunken fling with Flash Sentry that rainbow regrets greatly the two are living happily together.
the kids:
Honey Bee- Mare, bi
Snapdragon- Female, Unknown, Diamond dog, Adopted
Bat Hawk- Stallion, straight, result of RDs affair with Flash
Rainbow Dash X Soarin
so after adamant shipping from the other members of the wonderbolts these two decided to get together and give it a try. It did not work. Most things were just awkward and uncomfortable but a few good things came out of it. For one it helped Soarin discover he was actually gay. It also produced a foal who after the two broke up went with soarin. The two remain friends after the breakup.
the kids
Stratus- Mare, Straight… maybe… possibly… she thinks.
Applejack X Coloratura
Ah, our final ship. AJ and Rara. These two are cute and nothing really goes wrong for the first half of their lives (other than Big Mac dying that would obviously effect AJ) until the big accident. That really freaked everyone out. But life went on and luckily everyone came out alive. (The big accident was a tree falling on Hot Crossed Buns)
The kids:
Hot Crossed Buns- Mare, Unknown
Gala Apple- Mare, Straight