Name: Star Catcher
Nicknames: Star, Catchie (just don't), Starie-Watchie (only by Trixie)
Parents: Twillight, Trixie, Sunset
Siblings: Peritwinkle Aura
Age: 20
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Cis male (Hi/Him)
Sexuality: Demi Bi
Special Talent: Teaching about the stars and it's constellations
Personality: Perfectionist, cocky, serious, calm
Likes: Reading about astrology, quiet and warm places, working on new tricks with Trixie, his family, sleep
Dislikes: When his mane frizzes out, rude ponies, disorganized work space, sweets
Special Somepony: --
Extra facts:
- He is the older kid of his family
- Gets too excited when a topic with astrology comes out and can talk for hours
- He loves his family and loves playing tricks on Peritwinkle. Have a very close relationship.
- He is allergic to sweets
- Secretly is very good at drawing
- He can read the stars and their messages
- Sleeping about 2 hours a day
- Stressfull but doesn't show it