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FM Family Vacation
So many memories.
I could have sworn I promised myself I'd stop doing this big pointy pony events, they're quicker to produce picture by picture, but this many of them requires a lot of work. It was still worth it, and I'm pleased with how it all turned out.
I wish I'd noticed how many more beach ideas I'd had than anything else, I might have tried to think of one more sight seeing picture and definitely more camping pictures to balance it out a little more.
I hope everyone had a lovely summer, I'll see you sometime this month
Day 1: "Picking a Destination":/images/2678775
Day 2: "Packing":/images/2679757
Day 3: "House Sitter":/images/2680562
Day 4: "Train Ride":/images/2681264
Day 5: "Leaning Tower of Pony":/images/2681955
Day 6: "Equestria's Largest Ball of Twine":/images/2682570
Day 7: "Blimp Ride":/images/2683234
Day 8: "Camping and S'mores":/images/2684053
Day 9: "Communing with Nature":/images/2684818
Day 10: "Sandcastles":/images/2685695
Day 11: "Sand Sculpting":/images/2686415
Day 12: "Suring":/images/2687117
Day 13: "Swimming Lessons":/images/2687852
Day 14: "Sunbathing":/images/2688637
Day 15: "Sunburn":/images/2689416
Day 16: "Hula Dance":/images/2690121
Day 17: "Trip Home":/images/2690832
Day 18: "Coming Home":/images/2691516
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