That's right, I've made 2000 of these things :D
So my "1000th pic":/1410048 was super self-indulgent and had all my OCs, so this time I drew as many canon background characters as I could possibly fit into this one image with the goal of having no visible background space. I wanted them all to be notable in some way, and all canon characters, and even then I couldn't get them all of course, because I wanted it to be representative of not just the show but the community and the friends I've made doing this. My 1000th was for me, but this one is for you guys :D
And once again I'm going to get sappy and say just how much fun I have drawing here, and it's all because of you guys. I'm only in this for the votes and the comments, like I don't have a patreon or anything like that, and so what makes it rewarding to me is when people vote on my pictures, add comments, come up with headcanons or stories based on them, name my characters, send me PMs, and even share my stuff to other sites to spread it around a bit. That's what makes all of this worthwhile to do. Again, even when I don't respond rest-assured I've very likely read your comment but just didn't know how to respond. Once again, thank each and every one of you for the likes, for the supports, and for the love :D
And once again, a special shout-out to the people who run the site. Things got pretty rough for you guys but you toughed it out, you pulled through, and a lot of people, myself included, really appreciate you guys for what you do :D
And also too, a shout-out to my pal "Kraus":/profiles/DanielTepesKraus who seems to spend more time away from the site than on it these days and is always off being Batman or whatever when we're having fun here. Miss you man D:
Incidentally, my favorite bumper sticker of all time is currently one that read "They can't lick our Dick -- Nixon '72" on the back of a 70's era wood panel station wagon. I'm currently operating under the impression that I was following a time traveler that day :D