Originally posted on: January 27, 2017, 2:33 PM UTC
Scary movies
So i recently saw a really scary movie and i 100% regret agreeing to see it. XD i cant handle those things at all hahaaa but it gave me an idea of what to draw! This is the reaction of all of my nextgens watching a scary movie. Also, im still messing around with designs and i designed another sparity baby. He is the giant purple kirin between Fauna and Stargazer. His name is Tanzanite Geode and he is Jade's older brother. Anywayyyyyy, Marzipan and Flora think the movie is super funny and laugh histerically at all of the choices the characters make. Buff is pretending to not be scared, Indigo is bored, Jade and Ginger are kinda scared but interested, and then Fauna, Geode, and Stargazer are terrified and wish they did not start watching it. Soooooo many ponies