"I am literally the deity of war. Do not make me use my power against you."
Parents: Celestia and Mirror!Sombra
Siblings: Neapolitan (half brother)
Gender: Male
Species: Alviran Alicorn
Allignment: Sun (current)
Talent: War Strategy
Birthplace: Canterlot
General Bio:
The only son of Celestia and Mirror!Sombra. Major is not the first child of Celestia, however he is the only Alicorn child she has had. Major is an Alviran Alicorn, the only known Alviran Alicorn known to have been born outside of the nation of Alvira. He was born the deity of War, and while he currently shows alignment towards the Sun like his mother, that may change once he gets older.
Future Spouse/Partner: Meadow Lark, then later in life Flurry Heart