Mmm, I've adopted these two characters from MinTeaDraws and TeraMayByte
I've finally got around these two! ;;O;; I've been wanting to draw these characters for a while but never had the confident to do it. ;;
So adopting both these characters, I decided to make them a dower of sassy troublemakers. With 'Iita' and his mischief pal 'Newt'. <33
Let's get into the refs ;U;
Name-Iita 'Hush' Lavish
Nicknames-Iita, Lavish, Hush, Lit, Lav
Species-Bat/Earth Hybrid
Personality-Sassy, Mischievous, Patience, Intelligent, Quick and Innovative
Name-Artie 'Newt' Gus
Nicknames-Newt [Prefers it over first name], Gus, Gusty
Species-Palmate Newt
Personality-Trouble-Maker, Sneaky, Impatience, Greedy, Prideful and always hungry
Iita was adopted by :iconminteadraws:
Newt was adopted by :iconteramaybyte:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
1250x1291px 419.61 KB
Published: Feb 23, 2018