Titan turned to regard her, his face not showing the least amount of curiosity or worry.“Do you know the first rule of immortality?” Celestia asked him. The faintest expression of anger passed over Titan’s face as the muscles beneath his eyes constricted. “You will die.”
“You will die,” Luna echoed, taking a step towards him. “In the grand unraveling of time, this must come to pass.”
Celestia moved closer to her father as well, each step of her hooves creating a small discharge of electrical energy, a burst of light. “This must come to pass,” she said.
Titan turned his gaze from Celestia to Luna. His horn glowed, and he was encased by his black armor, plates echoing with a hollow sound as they closed around his body. “There is only one rule,” he said, looking back again upon the beam of light that pierced the heavens.
Like the dust being blown away from a buried treasure, the stream of light before him parted and flowed off an object hidden within. It dwindled and thinned, until at last it was only a thread of energy bisecting a long, slender shaft of darkness. The light ran through the center of Singularity and the blade split into two lengths and came to rest at Titan’s sides. The shaft of energy resumed its regular ascension.
Sheet lightning ripped its way across the sky, crossing from one horizon to another in three strokes, arcing around The Citadel’s beam. The sound of thunder layered atop itself was nothing to Titan’s voice.
“Mine,” he said.
The twentieth illustration for the book release of "The Immortal Game":https://www.fimfiction.net/story/1886/, a Season Two epic about ponies and war. See it here: "https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/893660/":https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/893660/