Gallus was out exploring a shoreline near the ocean. He enjoyed the beach and often flew there for a little alone time; A nice break from the tiresome life back in Griffonstone. But little did he know that Silverstream, a playful, seapony had been secretly watching him for months. She had never seen a creature as handsome as himself before, and she wanted nothing more than to keep him... forever. Knowing that he was alone, she used the power of her beautiful voice to hypnotize and lure him into the water. But Gallus awoke the moment she stopped singing. Realizing the danger, he frantically attempted to get back to the surface. But Silverstream, who was frustrated, annoyed, and heartbroken that he would try to leave her, selfishly pulled him down further and further. "Stay with me." she whispered as his last breath left him.
This is a full story/sequel to: www.deviantart.com/heavysplatt…