Sunset: I hate to sound a bit egotistical when I say this, but this giant statue at the front is an awesome touch! I just hope you didn’t end up bankrupting the whole town to construct this whole thing…
Firelight: Anything for the love of my life. I will admit there were points the budget was getting light due to Stellar being a little too ambitious early on…
Stellar: [*]Grinning Nervously[*] Hehehe, guilty as charged!
Firelight: But once it was decided that the museum would be dedicated to you, and not just Sire’s Hollow. Princesses Twilight and Celestia both directed more then enough funds to pay for everything we ever wanted for the place
Twilight: I have no doubt that a museum dedicated to recognizing your efforts and the sacrifices you made, was well worth the cost. It’s not just Equestria that owes it’s existence to you. You helped saved all of life itself! The entire planet is in your debt!
Celestia: I concur, when me and Luna have officially retired in about half a year, one of our first stops are certainly going to be a return to this place. There’s not many things I’d choose over paying additional respects to such a wonderful student.
Sunset: Thank you, Twilight. And thank you Princess as well, I couldn’t have been a such a wonderful student if I didn’t have a great teacher too.
Sunspot: I gotta say, sis. Memorials to the deceased are going to feel pretty odd now that in most cases the very ponies the memorials are for can see the tributes to them. But certainly the good kind of odd, if this museum had been made while spirit summoning was still not discovered or wasn’t possible… I’m not so sure I could have walked anywhere in the building without bawling my eyes out.
Sunset: I will admit it’s also weird from my perspective seeing things like “in loving memory” or other statements like that now that I can sort of come down and talk to ponies that are still living whenever Spike and anyone in my family summon me down. It’s a bit of a somber reminder that I’m dead, though at the same time it’s nice to actually see the post-humous recognition. Us spirits naturally can’t see how close to us are feeling at the moment of our deaths.
Funerals are certainly going to hit quite different when the deceased themselves are going to be able to attend if they wanted to
Starlight: That’ll definitely take some time getting used to in Pony society for sure, Mom. Heh…
((The bearded pony with the orange mohawk is Sunspot in case anyone is confused. He didn’t appear very much in the show as we only saw him in the flashback in The Cutie Re-Mark. He didn’t show up at all in The Parent Map.
In Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear, it’s revealed the reason for that is he’s been on a worldwide search for his sister. Who would turn out to be this AU’s Sunset. Who was also Starlight’s unknown mother, thus making the families of Sunburst and Starlight closer then once thought. He didn’t have a beard when he appeared in the show, but it’s sort of added on to him since in SOTDT he was pretty disheveled looking, and said to Sunburst and Stellar he’d clean up his looks soon enough, but asked if he could keep the beard if he can get it at a good trim. During the epilogue, he gets his mohawk back and the beard trimmed by Babs Seed.))