Page 1556 - Frostbitten, Twice Shy
6th Jul 2021, 6:00 AM in "Magical Mystery Cure":'s something inherently amusing to me about the bureaucracy that keeps a cutesy fantasy world running.
No Spudventures this week because of the 4th of July weekend. Hope you all enjoyed!
DM: Everyone's got their character sheets back? Good. Just keep track of each other's Cutie Marks.
Rarity: With that out of the way, I have... questions about this whole weather-manipulation thing.
DM: Such as?
Rarity: How fine is the control I possess? Do I just envision the sky I want and magically make it happen?
DM: Oh no, not at all. If you're not careful, you can leave the residents fully exposed to the sun's heat with no coverage. Or you can smash a bunch of mountain wind currents down into the valley to create an ice storm. Granted, these are extreme scenarios.
Rarity: I'm a little more impressed with Rainbow's day job now. And slightly concerned that she has this power over us.
Rainbow Dash: Yep, just pay regular tribute to your local all-powerful weather god and every day will be perfect.
DM: That is exactly why there are schedules and regulations.
Rainbow Dash: Lame.