Prince Solaris: "... Dusk Shine..."
Prince Dusk Shine: "Okay, I know this looks bad, but I can fix this!"
Prince Solaris: "I know you can, Dusk, but the real question is - how fast can you fix it? The people of Canterlot are already panicking - I can hear it even from here - and given the scales I am in, I think the rest of Equestria's getting agitated as well."
Prince Dusk Shine: "I... the spell was a bit complicated, and I think I dropped the book when you went big and took Canterlot up with you. Finding it might take a while, let alone dispelling the ritual..."
Prince Solaris: "If you can, try and see if you can get things back to normal before noon; Princess Celestia from the other Equestria are coming over for luncheon, not to mention your Princess counterpart as well."
Prince Dusk Shine: "Maybe they can help us fix this, worse comes to worse?"
Prince Solaris: "Assuming she doesn't want to join in, given her more... unusual tastes. If she does, I don't think there's any place in Equus where we can eat. And I don't mean that just dining there..."
[Down below]
Butterscotch "Well... that's not something you see every day, even around here!"
Rainbow Blitz: "Eris, what have you done?!"
Eris: "I have NOTHING to do with this! And that's the best part!"