Originally posted on: June 23, 2021, 8:48 AM UTC
CaramelVerse- Orchard Blossom
I got a question from "StarlingPaws":https://www.deviantart.com/starlingpaws if i would ever show Big Mac’s transition, since in this Au he’s MtF trans and goes by Orchard Blossom. Since we’re still on June aka Pride Month, I thought, “why not?” And so here we are!
This was a lot of fun to draw, I don’t normally make little ‘comics’ like this but it was good exercise. Maybe i’ll do more in the future, who knows.
I didn’t really write a story for this, but here’s a summary of what’s going on:
Panel 1- A nervous Big Mac comes out to Applejack as Trans, and while she is a bit shocked at first she tells him(her) that everything’s going to be alright
Panel 2- Aj tells Rarity about the situation, and she happily volunteers to help, as Rare herself is a Trans Mare and is big on self-love and care
Panels 3 & 4- Rarity gives Mac a small-ish makeover for the time being and also helps him(her) to come up with a new name
Panel 5- A very proud Apple Bloom and Applejack admiring their new sis, and Rarity being very pleased with the resultsAnyways, hope you like it! Happy pride month~
background credits:
"MLP-FIM: Sweet Apple Acres Farm Path Background by PerplexedPegasus":https://www.deviantart.com/perplexedpegasus/art/MLP-FIM-Sweet-Apple-Acres-Farm-Path-Background-687247465
"Background: Carousel Boutique 2 by EStories":https://www.deviantart.com/estories/art/Background-Carousel-Boutique-2-799006440
"My little pony background Vector by Death-of-all":https://www.deviantart.com/death-of-all/art/My-little-pony-background-Vector-323971899
(None are mine)