Decided to have a go at Twilight's whole family portrait! Two bookworm parents and a whole lot of goofy-ass children.
In order from oldest to youngest:-Professor Shooting Star: Degree in Astrology, certified Star Reader, husband to Twilight. A quiet, reserved stallion with a giant heart. Likes books, his family, long walks in the night, and occasional runs for his life whenever timberwolves interrupt his studies in Everfree Forest.
-Professor Twilight Sparkle: Professor of Magic, Holder of the Element of Magic, Purple Hoof and Medal of Honor for her efforts in the War of Grogar. Quite the bookworm, well known across the entirety of the world. What else can I say, we know her well.
-Spike Sparkle-Star: First child of the Sparkle-Star family. Lanky dragon teenager. Lover of pranks and his marefriend.
- Serenity Sparkle-Star: Second child of the Sparkle-Star family. Adopted, handicapped, outspoken yet reserved. Fifth member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
-Aurora Sparkle-Star: Third child of the Sparkle-Star family. The only biological child. Occasionally blows up stuff in the backyard for fun and science.Aurora and Serenity are the only characters I own. The rest belong to Hasbro