Today's prompt: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, etc. / Draw a pony sharing their favorite thing with another pony.
I ran through several ideas in my head, not knowing if I should do a general ponyfication of something I liked, or my OCs cosplaying. In the end, I settled on the second half of the prompt, especially since I wanted to draw Spike for one of these. He's a fan of fantasy adventures, evidenced by his love of Ogres and Oubliettes, so it seems certain that he'd enjoy a story like The Lord of the Rings. In that sense, I drew my main OC, Blazewing, introducing Spike to the world of Middle-earth. I would've gone with The Hobbit, since it's one of my all-time favorite books, but I dunno how Spike would feel about a book where a dragon is killed, however evil that dragon is.