Flash Bolt
"Careful not to get to close when I'm flying or you might get zapped."
Parents: Zephyr Breeze and Thunderlane
Siblings: None
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Allignment: Moon (oddly he doesn't have tail feathers)
Talent: Flight speed
Birthplace: Las Pegasus
General Bio:
The only son of Zephyr Breeze and Thunderlane, Flash is an energetic and athletic young stallion. He has chosen to follow in Thunderlane's hoofsteps and joined the Wonderbolts, along with his two best friends. Zephyr Breeze isn't the most supportive of his career, especially after what happened to Thunderlane, but he doesn't want to dicourage his son from following his dreams.
Future Spouse/Partner: Bonfire