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Originally posted on: August 18, 2018, 2:32 AM UTC
MLP Auroraverse Family Tree [WIP]
!Large file warning! This is the official quick guide for my next generation, of course as it develops this will change and I can't wait to fill it out! I hope you enjoy it and I'll add information about all the families as I go :3 Chibi Base by "Trickate":!Families
*Queen Luna x King Sombra - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Neon Nights*Bullet; Blue *Sonder Nighthawk
*Bullet; Pink *Moondancer
*Bullet; Blue *Oberon*Bullet; Blue *Morpheus
*Queen Chrysalis x Queen Celestia - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Wisteria*Bullet; Pink *Nova Nightshade
Dutchess Mi Amor Cadenza x Duke Shining Armor - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Lovebite*Bullet; Pink *Flurry Heart
*Bullet; Blue *FreyrBullet; Pink Morning Star
*Dutchess Twilight Sparkle x Lady Starlight Glimmer - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Amethyst Althaea*Bullet; Blue *Arctic Gale
*Bullet; Pink *Concordia
*Sunset Shimmer x Trixie Lulamoon - Married
*Bullet; Blue *Winter WonderBullet; Pink Starburst
*Bullet; Blue *Houdini*Dame Applejack x Dame Rarity - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Lady AliceLord Big MacIntosh x Dame Fluttershy - Married
*Bullet; Blue *Wolf River
*Bullet; Pink *Sundance*Bullet; Pink *Carolina Chai
*Bullet; Pink *Roxbury RussetBullet; Pink Sugar Bee
**Lord Big MacIntosh x Dame Fluttershy - Married
Bullet; Blue *Wolf River
*Bullet; Pink *Sundance
Bullet; Pink *Carolina Chai
*Bullet; Pink *Roxbury Russet
Bullet; Pink Sugar BeeTree Hugger x Zephyr Breeze - Domestic Partners
*Bullet; Pink Juniper
Bullet; Pink Flora FlutterGeronimo x Cammie Cadmium - Married
Bullet; Pink Glenn IveyCherry Jubilee x Troubleshoes - Married
**Bullet; Pink Florence FortunaBullet; Pink Chocolat Cerise
Photo Finish x Royal Pin - Married
***Bullet; Pink *Sunset Silk*Bullet; Pink *Blue Buttons
Bullet; Pink Lapis Lace
Maud Pie x Mud Briar - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Violet Vivanite
*Bullet; Blue *Joss SpiceDame Pinkamina Diane Pie x Lady Skystar - Married
*Bullet; Pink Pink Promenade*Bullet; Blue *Snow Candy
*Bullet; Pink *LuminaBullet; Blue *Hunter
*Bullet; Pink *Fairy Floss
*Bullet; Blue Thorne
Bullet; Pink *Terra Taffy
Bullet; Pink Yulianna
*Bullet; Blue *RamsesPrincess Rhea
**Dame Rainbow Dash x Lady Daring Do - Married
Bullet; Blue *Dusty Hooves
Bullet; Pink *Nellie Fly
Bullet; Blue Desert SkyDerpy Hooves x Doctor Whooves - Married
Bullet; Pink Valerie Vanadium*Bullet; Pink *Dinky Doo
*Bullet; Pink *CookiePyrrhos x Nurse Redheart - Married
Bullet; Pink MuhjahRenwick x Silvanus - Married
*Bullet; Pink *EstrellaOctavia x Vinyl Scratch - Married
*Bullet; Pink AriettaCharmeuse Culicivora x Funnel Web - Married
Bullet; Pink Satin Servellei
Bullet; Pink RaveniMoon Dancer x Star Bright - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Cresent ShineQueen Persephoneia
Bullet; Pink Epona
Bullet; Blue ZanzibarFleur de Lis x Fancy Pants - Married
Bullet; Pink Iridium Chalice*Bullet; Pink *Darling Devotion
Nurse Sweetheart x Rough Tumble - Married
Bullet; Pink Bluebell BalmChiffon Swirl x Carrot Cake - Married
Bullet; Blue Pound Cake
*Bullet; Pink *Pumpkin Cake
*Bullet; Pink *Coffee CakeDragonlady Ember x King Thorax - Dating
*Bullet; Blue *Prince Chordae TenidaeZecora x Mage Meadowbrook- Married
**Bullet; Blue *Jabir
*Bullet; Pink
*Flash Sentry x Sunburst - Married
*Bullet; Pink *LeandraSunny Smiles x Crusoe Palm - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Sunshine CorazonVapor Trail x Sky Stinger - Married
*Bullet; Pink *Tropical HailUnknown x Unknown
Bullet; Pink Kahtira
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