Butterdream Batter no longer exists, she has been completely retconned, as well as many written elements of the Turnerverse which will be discussed later! So meet Soirée :)Soirée (swa-Ray) is the son of Pinkie Pie and Discord, adopted son of Fluttershy, and half-brother of Pudding Pop Pie.
some notes on this boy:
- introverted and quiet
- has blue mouth/tongue
- saliva is glittery
- knows he has an odd appearance and that some ponies see him as some kind of monster or freak, so he's wary of going out in public
- some draconequi can manifest a pony form/disguise, but Soiree can't. he's not sure if he just hasn't learned how or if he doesn't posess that kind of magic, but either way, he can't currently conjure one
- no wings, but can float a few feet off the ground
- horns grow constantly like antlers, so they have to be rubbed on rough surfaces to stay filed down
- he can make an almost-endless array of animal sounds (tiger growls, elephant trumpets, dolphin trills, you name it)
- mane and fur are very soft and silky
- autistic
- knows nothing about throwing parties, but likes attending them if theyre not loud or crowded.
- very bad relationship with his sister, but hopes that can change one day.