Though a rather dynamic duo of different ponies, the bond and love that Time Turner and Derpy Hooves held for one another has blended into their fusions rather well. Royal Minutes despite his more chivalrous and more self assured aspects always ensure that he has the smarts, information, and charisma to secure his argumentive or practical victories over the many issues that he faces in life and job, especially for his beloved Clumsy Carrot. The toymaker and tinkerer's love and devotion matched by that of the carrot farmer and mailmare he married. Clumsy of course always grateful for the love she receives from the earth pony/unicorn stallion that she fell for before their own creation, the bubble butt klutz especially. Her mail runs and efforts in growing ever more of the succulent vegetable that takes part of her namesake always encouraged by her love and desire to impress and to make her horsebamdo happy. Even though in the end she knows he loves her unconditionally...
Such an adorable bond this couple carry with one another that in another universe would carry onto their final fusion selves...