jumpingshinyfrogs said:
Now we can order food. Or we can help Moonflower with her potion making.
As the three unicorns join you at the table, Dawn Break waves a waiter over.
Waiter: "I'll be with you in a minute!"
Moonflower clears the table anticipatedly, stowing her alchemy kit and newly prepared ingredients back into her magic satchel.
Twinkleshine: "Hey, what's in those test tubes?"
Lemon Hearts: "Actually, I'm pretty sure those are boiling tubes, not test tubes. They're bigger."
Minuette: "Your head is bigger!"
Lemon Hearts, Minuette and Twinkleshine giggle at that. Alas, at this moment, you found that you could neither yet order food, nor help Moonflower making potions.