nihilagis said:
Let's go get our favorite batpony some water, then. I'm sure the inn has some to spare.
You take Moonflower's empty bottle, and after a short trip to the washroom, you return with it filled with fresh water, and offer it to her.
Moonflower: "Thanks! I don't got lots of ingredients, so I'm just gonna use these daffodils I got from the Rainbow Meadows to make some neutralizer for now."
Moonflower begins to use her alchemy kit to process her six differently coloured rainbow daffodil flowers into a few vials of rainbow-coloured liquid.
Moonflower: "These are super useful 'cause they can replace ingredients in recipes! The result isn't as potent, though."
As the sun begins to set outside, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, and Twinkleshine enter the tavern.
Minuette: "Oh, they're in here. Hey, we're back!"