Originally posted on: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 21:16:37 GMT
Happy (late) fathers day to this chaotic loving yet over protective father!
The first slide- when coraliss first came shy had discord met his daughter by holding her but he was a little scared since she was so tinyThe second slide- he sees that she is happy to be in his arms which makes him more comfortable to hold her!
Third slide-him and Coraliss both happy with eachother
Fourth slide- of course this stubborn creature breaks into tears seeing his child he got so over joyed when shy had her!
Fifth slide- him being over protective around his brezzie!
Sixth slide- when coraliss first walked she nearly tripped and fell but thanks to discord he put his nuzzle against hers making so she wouldnt fall!
And the last his him and Coraliss.
Discord loves all of his children so much he wouldnt trade them for anything and yes i know most of this is with cory but thats because i dont have really any pictures with him and the rest of his children i will try and make one soon anyway heres my fathers day thing hope you like it i made the first and second slide today the rest i made on different days but yeah! Enjoy these two chaotic beans!
#fluttercordfilly #mlp
#mlpoc #coralissmlp #discordmlp #mlpnextgen