Contrary to what one might think, Hazy Sky is actually a very social pony and gets along with others fairly easily. His time as the leader of a ragtag group of street foals made him very well versed in interacting with others and reading the room. As such, despite having a abrasive personality, he can find common ground with ponies pretty easily.
Sirius Veil, on the other hoof, would rather do anything else but interact with others.
Flutterherd: Hazy thinks Acheron is the coolest pony ever. He’s huge, on fire and can carry all of his siblings at once. What could be cooler than that!? Holly is apprehensive, as she knows most ponies view them as freaks. Once she realizes Hazy is a pretty accepting guy, she’ll adore him. Meanwhile, Diopside is trying to play with Sirius cause his mane is pretty. Sirius wants nothing to do with the colt, as he doesn’t like his father (Sombra). Marigold can sense this and tries to keep her brother from bothering the older colt.
H: Your mane… is on fire.
A: No, my mane is fire.
H: …That is so cool!!!
A: [smiles]
Pinkie Party: Hazy doesn’t like Parfait, as the latter used to make fun of him for looking ‘pretty for a colt’ but he knows not to push things when Chocolate is around. As such, to avenge himself, he choses to play wrestle with the colt. While Parfait isn’t a tough colt, he’s still a Pie and therefor can take a bit more than the average colt. Honey looks on, enjoying the show. Chocolate can’t help but notice how bored Sirius looks despite all his mothers attempts to get the foal to open up.
Dash’s in the sky: Hazy isn’t as big a nerd as Tranquil Spring but he does like a good story when offered. As such, he’s willing to listen as colt tells him all about the cool anime he watched. He even adds his own theories on what will happen next, which Tranquil loves. Meanwhile, Epic Rhyme lurks nearby, watching his crush, Prince Sirius Veil as he goes through some documents.
Note: Daydreamer (the foal hiding under Tranquil) got into drawing and comics because of her elder brothers loves for anime and storytelling. Her dream is to make a story he’d love and couldn’t pick apart.
A touch of Rarity: Crescent Moonstone, like Hazy, was born on the streets and adopted by Rarity, so the two get along like a house on fire. If left alone, they will cause all kinds of trouble. this time, however, they are told to stay indoors so there’s a limit on what can be done. Hazy is a brave colt but he doesn’t dare cross Ms Rarity’s bottom line and make a mess of her boutique. Crescent agrees, warning her friend not to do anything as she likes the place. They bond over the shared feelings of fear from their mothers, all the while Lapis follows close behind, wanting to talk to Hazy but being too shy.
Sirius, completely bored, spends the visit staring out the window. Even when invited to join in, he politely declines.
Down at the Apple Farm: Hazy Sky and Sweet Deal have a deep rivalry. While Sweet is a brainy filly, she is also an Apple. Therefor, she is a strong pony, despite her size. Hazy, after having been conned by her, challenged her to a match she couldn’t cheat at. Hoof wrestling. They’d been at a draw for several minutes and the filly hadn’t broken a sweat yet.
Meanwhile, Cinnamon Apple watches as Sirius storms off. The colt hadn’t wanted to stay with the apples as he disliked the place. It was dirty and the work was tedious. Not to mention the unholy hours the Apple family kept. It was horrid!
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