<ins>Clean version</ins>
Late Riser caused quite a stir upon his birth. His poor stressed out parents were scared stiff when their precious newborn foal was utterly silent as he hung from the doctor’s hoof. Doctor Stable got a good look at the colt and he seemed to be breathing but otherwise wasn’t making a sound until the baby suddenly opened his little mouth wide and loosed a squeaky yawn. It was then he realized the problem, the foal was asleep and likely had been throughout the entire birth!
Yikes. Okay guys, message received: the blood in the original was a little much. I do think I got a little carried away with it, to be honest.
Oh well, it gave me a chance to go back and add a stroke to little Late Riser’s “<span class="caps">ZZZ</span>”. They blended a little too much into the curtain behind him.
You can still find my messier version over here: >>2467466
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