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Mr and Mrs Cake decided to try and spice up their bedroom life a bit, so they decided, why not roleplay?
And since they are both comics fans, why not roleplya as Batman characters? ;P
So they decided that Cupcake would be Batgirl and Carrot Cake would be Batman, who would be rushing in to save a captured and defenceless Batcake.
Unfortunatly for them, Pinkie PIe got word of their “costume” party, and she decided to join in as Harley Quinn. So now Cupcake is tied up and after Pinkie found the “special” tools, she decided to take her own plans and is now planning on tickle torturing Cupcake and her ticklish hooves >;3
Carrot Cake could rush in to save the day (and his wife)…
But he thinks that maybe she can be tickled for just a little bit longer :P
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