When enjoying a guys hang out at the royal palace, our four stallions have now been sent on a search mission for a boardgame that Princess (and younger sister of Shining Armor) Twilight Sparkle so that she could be able to show her fellow royals (Cadence, Celestia, and Luna) the game “Mo — Neigh — Poly”. Shining Armor leading the party of his good friends Trouble Shoes, Flash Sentry, and Big Macintosh into the maze of old storage rooms underneath the castle that constitutes its basements. Little did they know that by chance, these stallions in their search would stumble upon something ancient and thought forgotten unknowingly. Something that would bring them together in an entirely new way and ultimately be the first of a new breed of pony that would change Equestria’s destiny forever.
What was once thought a dead an buried project has now been revived and is now being completed for all to see now. This re-vision tells the tale once again about the creation legendary alicorn King Speedy Hooves from the four thicco bois here. Now being done in the absolutely amazing art style of :iconcactuscowboydan:
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