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Seems like her majesty just can’t catch a break. As if being known for the “Best Flanks in the Land” wasn’t enough. To go and drop her scroll let alone to moon the gathering of nobles accidentally whilst trying to pick up said document without taking notice of where her “ass-ets” would be located at said time. Truly an embarrassing moment all around for the 4 alicorn in one fusion Queen. Seeing her component mares completely meltdown to this exposure of themselves with the exception of Tia (who seems to not mind the situation and might even have endorsed it). Leaving the nobles rather speechless for the day’s agenda with the queen this morning, and will probably yield much gossip behind closed doors. Luckily it seems like her horsebando and her little foal are arriving just on scene to accompany the mare and to take her mind off her recent accidental plot presentation…
Done once more by the awesome zoarvek
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