What did RT do to deserve such a thorough spanking I wonder? probably because the little minx always plays hard to get with her hunk even though she knows full well she wants to give herself to him. I guess today she pushed it just a little too far, and now she is experiencing what naughty mares receive as punishment; much to her absolute delight.
Spicy is absolutely loving giving them thicc flanks a good old spanking too, watching them giggle back into place gets him going like the warm blooded stallion that he is. Initially hesitant about wanting to even lay a hoof on his beautiful wife, her overwhelming response and begging to be smacked harder is proof enough that this seemingly innocent mare has a very hidden side to her, the dark horse ;) (Wink)
it’s always the shy ones isn’t it?
i’m sure the two will continue to uncover secrets and different sides to eachother, in the bedroom and out of it, and they have the whole lives together to do so <3
but for now let them just enjoy this lustful moment of passion and love.
Illustrated and Written by :iconrainbowtashie:
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